Yes, you can use Q Reviews on the inpatient side as long as the questions are not HCAHPS-like. Healthcare providers are permitted to use rounding solutions that are “intended to provide or assess clinical care or promote patient/family well-being” (quote from the HCAHPS Guidelines). Here are examples of questions that can be asked in the inpatient setting are (as per CMS):
• “Are the nurses answering your questions?”
• “Please share with us how we could improve your hospital stay.”
• “Tell us about your stay.”
• “Did your doctor/nurse address any communication barriers regarding information about your healthcare?”
• “Was our staff attentive to your needs?”
To further quote the HCAHPS Guidelines regarding asking patients questions in the inpatient setting:
“If patients are asked survey questions during their inpatient stay, we strongly suggest that such questions be worded in a neutral tone and are not tilted toward a particular response. In addition, CMS strongly recommends survey questions do not resemble HCAHPS items or their response categories. Hospitals are strongly encouraged to focus on overall quality of care rather than the HCAHPS measures reported to CMS.”