
Optimize Patient Rounding With Real-Time Feedback Using a Rounding App

Q Visit, our patient rounding solution, collects patient feedback via SMS text message and aggregates it in an easy-to-interpret, web-based dashboard so that providers can take action before the patient is discharged. The result? Better health outcomes, higher patient satisfaction, and more efficient patient flow management.

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59% increase in patient satisfaction when leveraging a digital engagement tool at site of care

52% fewer patient falls among providers who use a digital rounding tool

4.5 miles walked on average daily by nurses managing patient & family requests

Q Visit, our patient rounding solution, collects patient feedback via SMS text message and aggregates it in an easy-to-interpret, web-based dashboard so that providers can take action
before the patient is discharged. The result? Better health outcomes, higher patient satisfaction, and more efficient patient flow management.
Q Visit, our patient rounding solution, collects patient feedback via SMS text message and aggregates it in an easy-to-interpret, web-based dashboard so that providers can take action before the patient is discharged. The result? Better health outcomes, higher patient satisfaction, and more efficient patient flow management.
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How Q Visit Can Help

  • Increase patient satisfaction & HCAHPS scores by offering providers actionable, real-time feedback
  • Improve patient safety & health outcomes by allowing staff to identify problems & intervene
  • Decrease staff response time by automatically escalating priority patient requests
  • Reduce staff burnout with automated task routing & prioritization
  • Streamline patient throughput & optimize clinical workflows with digital patient rounding & discharge planning solutions
  • Increase patient satisfaction & HCAHPS scores by offering providers actionable, real-time feedback
  • Improve patient safety & health outcomes by allowing staff to identify problems & intervene
  • Decrease staff response time by automatically escalating priority patient requests
  • Reduce staff burnout with automated task routing & prioritization
  • Streamline patient throughput & optimize clinical workflows with digital patient rounding & discharge planning solutions

Patient Journey Videos: See the solution in action for your healthcare organization.

The Challenge: A Slow Feedback
Loop Hinders Patient Rounding & Care

Inpatient stays are difficult enough as-is — the last thing that somebody in a healthcare facility needs is a negative patient experience on top. After all, poor patient experience doesn’t just impact patient satisfaction. It has serious ramifications for a patient’s health outcomes and safety overall.

While patient rounding is designed to help reduce the risk of adverse health events,

overworked and understaffed frontline teams rarely have the bandwidth to check in as often as they would like. In fact, many healthcare organizations don’t find out about serious concerns until after receiving satisfaction surveys in the mail weeks (or even months) after a patient’s initial stay — at which point, it’s much too late to remedy anything.

To truly deliver excellent care, however, providers must resolve issues as they occur — not after.

Inpatient stays are difficult enough as-is — the last thing that somebody in a healthcare facility needs is a negative patient experience on top. After all, poor patient experience doesn’t just impact patient satisfaction. It has serious ramifications for a patient’s health outcomes and safety overall.

While patient rounding is designed to help reduce the risk of adverse health events, overworked and understaffed frontline teams rarely have the bandwidth to check in as often as they would like. In fact, many healthcare organizations don’t find out about serious concerns until after receiving satisfaction surveys in the mail weeks (or even months) after a patient’s initial stay — at which point, it’s much too late to remedy anything.

To truly deliver excellent care, however, providers must resolve issues as they occur — not after.

The Solution: Patient Rounding Powered
by Real-Time Patient Feedback

While healthcare providers may not think of it this way, they are providing a service to consumers — and as such, they can benefit from leveraging customer service best practices. One particularly game-changing tactic is service recovery: addressing concerns as they surface before they result in a negative overall experience.

Q Visit’s automated SMS text message-based satisfaction surveys give patients a quick, easy, and intuitive way to share real-time feedback — which, in turn, gets fed into a web-based

dashboard that highlights patient concerns as soon as they arise, allowing providers to step in and take action before issues escalate. And with automated prioritization and task routing capabilities, Q Visit ensures that the right information gets to the right team at the right time, decreasing the administrative burden for clinical staff.

With more attentive, less overwhelmed staff, patient health outcomes naturally improve — leading to better HCAHPS scores, higher patient satisfaction, and ultimately, increased revenue.

While healthcare providers may not think of it this way, they are providing a service to consumers — and as such, they can benefit from leveraging customer service best practices. One particularly game-changing tactic is service recovery: addressing concerns as they surface before they result in a negative overall experience.

Q Visit’s automated SMS text message-based satisfaction surveys give patients a quick, easy, and intuitive way to share real-time feedback — which, in turn, gets fed into a web-based dashboard that highlights patient concerns as soon as they arise, allowing providers to step in and take action before issues escalate. And with automated prioritization and task routing capabilities, Q Visit ensures that the right information gets to the right team at the right time, decreasing the administrative burden for clinical staff.

With more attentive, less overwhelmed staff, patient health outcomes naturally improve — leading to better HCAHPS scores, higher patient satisfaction, and ultimately, increased revenue.

Who Uses Q Visit

  • Hospitals
  • Health Systems

(Any inpatient facility that wants to improve patient experience & health outcomes)


Learn how to improve the patient experience through real-time feedback with our library of resources. We offer actionable advice, how-to guides,

and thought leadership content designed to help you better engage with your audience and enhance the healthcare experience overall.

Learn how to improve the patient experience through real-time feedback with our library of resources. We offer actionable advice, how-to guides, and thought leadership content designed to help you better engage with your audience and enhance the healthcare experience overall.

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